1 June 2022: Thick-legged Flower Beetle/ Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis), Cookley Green

2 June 2022: Wildflowers on Maidensgrove Common, Oxfordshire

3 June 2022: Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus), Watlington Hill, Oxfordshire

4 June 2022: Wolf's Milk Slime Mould (Lycogala epidendrum), Park Wood, Huntercombe, Oxfordshire

5 June 2022: Flag Irises, Russell's Water, Oxfordshire

6 June 2022: Yellow-rattle (Rhinanthus minor), in my wildflower meadow, Cookley Green

7 June 2022: Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) butterfly, Watlington Hill, Oxfordshire

8 June 2022: White-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lucorum) on comfrey, Park Corner, Oxfordshire

9 June 2022: Grey Shag Inkcap (Coprinopsis cinerea), Swyncombe Downs, Oxfordshire

10 June 2022: Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) in my garden, Cookley Green, Oxfordshire

11 June 2022: Transect 10 Breeding Bird Survey, Great Haseley, Oxfordshire
12 June 2022: Honeybee on Lamb's Ear (Stachys byzantina), Aldeburgh, Suffolk
13 June 2022: Reedbeds and big skies at Snape Maltings, Suffolk

14 June 2022: Pistil of a Cala Lily, Benjamin Britten's Red House garden, Suffolk

15 June 2022: Jackdaw on Aldeburgh Beach in Suffolk

16 June 2022: Caloplaca flavescens on gravestone in The Church of St Bartholomew, Orford, Suffolk

17 June 2022: Marsh Harrier near the Sizewell Power Station, Minsmere Nature Reserve, Suffolk

18 June 2022: Herring Gull chicks on the roof of the White Lion Hotel in Aldeburgh, Suffolk

19 June 2022: Foxgloves, Cookley Green, Oxfordshire

20 June 2022: African Violet in my kitchen in London

21 June 2022: Common Vetch, Regents Park, London

22 June 2022: Gorgeous Geraniums gracing a windowsill on Chalcot Road, London

23 June 2022: Humming-bird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) on lavender, Cookley Green

24 June 2022: Soldier Beetle on Hogweed, Cookley Green, Oxfordshire

25 June 2022: Marbled White butterfly amidst wildflowers on top of Watlington Hill, Oxfordshire

26 June 2022: Alliums looking like fireworks in the garden at Garsington Opera House, Oxfordshire

27 June: Stormy skies over Primrose Hill as I walked home from Julie's funeral, London

28 June 2022: Clematis in the Secret Garden, Regents Park, London

29 June 2022: Carrion Crow in the Regents Park, London