1 November 2022: Magpie Inkcap (Coprinopsis picacea) in the rain, Cookley Green, Oxfordshire
2 November 2022: Regents Park, London
3 November 2022: Shaggy Parasols (Chlorophyllum rhacodes), Hampstead Heath, London
4 November 2022: November moth (Epirrita dilutata), Huntercombe Golf Course, 2nd hole
5 November 2022: Pores of Red Cracking Bolete (Xerocomellus chrysenteron), Aston Rowant Nature Reserve
6 November 2022: Ivory Woodwax (Hygrophorus eburneus), Cookley Green, Oxfordshire
7 November 2022: Gills, Stipe and Skirt of a Horse Mushroom (Agaricus arvensis), Cookley Orchard
8 November 2022: Candlesnuff Fungus (Xylaria hypoxylon), Park Woods, Huntercombe
9 November 2022: Golden Spindles (Clavulinopsis fusiformis), cricket pitch, Cookley Green
10 November 2022: Last Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) of the season in my garden in Cookley Green
11 November 2022: Grey Coral (Clavulina cinerea) found on top of Watlington Hill, Oxfordshire
12 November 2022: Split Gill (Schizophyllum commune), Rushbeds Wood, Buckinghamshire
13 November 2022: Burgundydrop Bonnets (Mycena haematopus) and friend, Bladon Heath, Oxfordshire
14 November 2022: Yellow Stainer (Agaricus xanthodermus), Oakingham Farm, Nuffield
15 November 2022: Naked roots crawling through the leaves on top of Watlington Hill, Oxfordshire
16 November 2022: Golden Waxcap (Hygrocybe chlorophana), Cookley Orchard, Cookley Green
17 November 2022: Autumn leaves on Cookley Green, Oxfordshire
18 November 2022: Oyster Mushrooms ready to eat
19 November 2022: Gills, Watlington Hill, Oxfordshire
20 November 2022: Bird's Nest Fungus and Badhamia utricularis slime mould, courtesy Barry Webb
21 November 2022: Bonnets, Cookley Orchard, Cookley Green, Oxfordshire
22 November 2022: Spectacular Rustgill (Gymnopilus junonius), Primrose Hill, London
23 November 2022: Hairy Curtain Crust (Stereum hirsutum) Regents Park, London
24 November 2022: Jelly Rot (Phlebia tremellosa) on a log in Primrose Hill, London
25 November 2022: Stump in Primrose Hill, London
26 November 2022: Smoky Brackets (Bjerkandera adusta), The Meadows, Edinburgh, Scotland
27 November 2022: Amber Jelly (Exidia recisa), Mauldsheugh Wood, Selkirk, Scotland
28 November 2022: Moon over Cookley Orchard, Cookley Green, Oxfordshire
29 November 2022: Vermillion Waxcap (Hygrocybe miniata), Cookley Orchard, Cookley Green
30 November 2022: Orange bonnets (Mycena acicula), Cookley Orchard, Cookley Green, Oxfordshire